Welcome fans to the sixth annual GABIT Amanda Tapping Convention, AT6 “Ripples”! Editor’s Notes: This reports focus is on the wonderful “AT6 Ripples Cocktail Party” that was conducted the evening of Friday November 09, 2012 at the luxurious Marriott Renaissance Hotel located near the Heathrow International Airport. We include two […]


Welcome back Gabit Events fans and friends, Editors Note: Below please find JandyraCJM’s (CJ) long awaited AT5 part two report. Our apologies for the delay, but CJ has been a little busy acting, schooling, working, being pregnant and of great import, giving birth to a Nublet named Olivia! Additionally, and […]


Welcome back GABIT Events fans, First of all, I’d like to shout out a HUGE bouquet of gratitude to Surrealvampi (Kate) AmyCorden, JenMarsden163 and PathQ for contributing their fantastic dexterity of camera skills to this report. I also apologise (insincerely) for ruining anyone’s reputation herein. Writing about AT5 is one […]

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