AT5 Reverberation Saturday: GABIT Events! Got Amanda Back In Town!


Hello GABIT Events AT5 fans!Click to visit GABIT Events AT5 official web site!

I wake up Saturday morning feeling as if I swallowed a Cactus during the night. After several failed attempts to un-glue my throat i realise that i need fruit and waffles, so head straight down to the restaurant for breakfast. I see a group of my friends and quickly honk my way over to them. Oh dear. It is not best advised to get Con Crud BEFORE the Con. #EPICFAIL………….

However its question and answer sessions today and that is really exciting in itself. Amanda usually gets really nervous for the first 5 minutes of the session and then settles down after that. She says it happens every time and that she doesn’t know why because we are all lovely.  (*Squish*) MANICGEEKFACE

ANYWAY! Several cups of tea later, a Starbucks, followed by punching my friends Starbucks Muffin by accident, my throat feels somewhat usable. I am still honking like some sort of evil goose, but that’s ok because I am secure enough within myself….<ish> Quickly finding our seats we all flock to the hall and take our places.(geddit, ‘flock’….oh never mind…) After an amazing video of GABIT Events AT4 (of which mine and a friend’s (Amy) picture of us eating blue jello was the first to pop up!!!

AT5 - Amy and Kate eating Blue Jello!

Spot the difference? I am now a smouldering brunette…..OOK OK! Hacking brunette…..

But this point I am doing the ‘happy wiggle fidget’ in my seat, because I know that the start is imminent. The energy in the room is crackling and you know, YOU KNOW that Ms. Amanda Tapping will be taking to the stage shortly. Outside, I am looking pretty calm, inside there is a little person running amuck inside my head going ARRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh and Squee.  Becky Preen of the G4 then takes to the stage to welcome us and remind us of some general housekeeping about phones, and videoing recording.

So ensuring my mobile is switched off, it goes into the bottom of my bag. No one apart from those designated should be recording and the G4, Senior stewards and stewards are really really hot on this.  Becky then goes on to tell us about her little red book which has her epic lists in as she said that she was more organised than last year…….(no little scraps of paper) and that all jokes aside if we found it, could we PLEASE give it back to her. (Ironically the only person to steal it in the end was Amanda…..bahahahaha *snort*)  She also ropes Mumsey (Kay Jacobs) into demonstrating in a very Air Steward fashion as to where the Fire exits are.

AT5 - Little Red Book1

AT5 - Mumsey

Then….. the moment arrives and after no further delay, Becky plays the AT5 Show reel put together by the amazing Jen Scheffler……which makes it to the big screen ensured by the Tech crew Nick, Peter, Tim and Terri, and then suddenly Amanda is bounding onto the stage like tigger, animated and all smiles and flails and…..a Camera?!?! She starts laughing and says she wants to take photos of us as well.

AT5 - Pink Camera

Honestly, by this point you’re whooping out loud, laughing, snorting spleen exploding snorts and have this genuine beam going on across your face. You look around, and you realise that every single person in that room is on the same page as you. You are all feeling the same feeling. Its awe inspiring, it’s uplifting, it’s over whelming, and its snortrumpingly brilliant. (In order to try and convey some of the feelings that this weekend has generated,

I have had to create new words. It’s the Amanda Effect…..) For the first Q&A session the photo volume is smaller. This is mainly due to the fact that sometimes trying to take a photo of Amanda is sometimes impossible as she is SO animated on stage. Add to that the nerves she speaks of, and it’s like trying to take a photo of smoke.

AT5 - Small Pause

There is a short pause, where there is lull in the noise before the first question is asked. Amanda is up on the stage all smiles and asking for the house lights to be turned up as its too dark and she can’t see us. Then, the first question is sent forth. And I think we all guessed that it would be about Nepal. (NB – I have summarised the Q&A sessions for Saturday please be advised that these are in no way a faithful transcript. The in bold type represents the audience questions, although i will say there were many asides from the audience and these have been captured as fully as possible.)

Q&A Session 1: Blogging during the Nepal Trip…..

Technology was tricky at times out there. But i just wrote what i thought and felt and gave it to Jill (Jill Bodie )I was nervous about blogging, because it wasn’t something that I do. But just went with what I felt. Jill did comment when you said from the heart, you meant from the heart so, yeah. <pause> I have a slide show later (possibly) that I can show you. Nepal was a transforming experience because with Nepal Orphans Home you can literally see where the Click to visit and donate to the Nepal Orphans Home!money is going. The conditions in Nepal show that they are poor. I mean there are no toilets. There’s a communal tap. You ask yourself where do they urinate, and they reply, oh that field over there……….

But despite all this, they are the most resilient, joyful people I have ever met. One young girl at the NoH gave me a book for Olivia sister. She said, this is for Olivia Sister. And I was given a bracelet and told not take it off until it fell off. It’s the people that have the least there that give the most. You know I still write letters back and scan and send them, and then Michael Hess scans their letters in because the postal system is so bad and sends them back. Just joyful joyful people.

AT5 - Amanda Tapping enters the stage with huge smile

Will we see a Magnus version of Moebius?

I am itching to present my dorky self <silence> That would be FUN! Maybe back in time an earlier dorkier Magnus. A less tightly wound Magnus? There is an episode coming up which is ‘Out of the Blue’ it hasn’t aired yet, but it shows Magnus more emotionally unstable, more artsy….it’s a different version of Magnus.

Out of the two ‘Jacks’, which one is the better kisser?

Wow, um, you know that I might have to do some research into that, MORE research. With Chris (Christopher Heyerdahl) you don’t have to hold back, its more passionate, but with Rick you were always having to hold back. I would like to see what happened if they didn’t. They’re both tall though, which is nice to lean up against……

AT5 - Amanda discusses the Jacks!

On Directing some of the Sanctuary Season 3 Episodes…..

Yes, I am much more behind the lens, and barely in it. Will goes on a date with this girl and it goes horribly wrong – (That’s the abnormal part right…..Will on a date…..)I am very proud of that episode. But I mean on the Will episode I got to do things with the camera I didn’t know I could do. I played with Lenses and Crane shots. The tech set said it was the hardest thing they had done in years but that they thoroughly enjoyed it. I mean. You know, like “Veritas” I’m very proud of it.

For King and Country……That Injection Scene……was that your idea, or?

Yeah! The scene was my idea, I had like a waking dream. You know wouldn’t it be brilliant if this woman, was able to succumb to the loneliness and heartache, and be comforted like she never has been before. I wanted her to have this perfectly calm, uncreepy moment to take comfort, despite having drugged him. And I love the way his you see his hand falling off her back when she sits up. She just finally has a moment where no one was watching. Chris said he had his eyes closed, but wanted to cry.

Kent Impressions……..Where did they come from/Will there be more?

The Kent couple. Actually my cousin lives there…… Mainly they appear in the modes towards the end of filming where we are completely exhausted (from laughing) and then just launch into these impressions.  I mean Robin and I we get so utterly exhausted and we just go crazy. There will be more of them, there is more on the blooper reel. Actors are kinda goofy and crazy, I mean Teryl and I had Turlene and Minnie……..

William Shanter Project….Will there be singing?

Zenoids? Singing? You know they haven’t even asked if I can sing! I mean you all know I met William Shatner on the USS Midway at San Diego Comic-Con in 2010 during an event sponsored by Tweethouse? (yes) And so they’re producing the show and the Acoustics and the performers so far have been rubbish and the producer turns to me and tells me to go on with as much energy as I can muster. I’m like, ‘Are you kidding me? I’m about to be interviewed by William Shatner!?!?’ So I see that Bill seems kinda nervous, so when I walked out there I kissed him.  I think that is what got me the part.

So on the second to last day of filming, I get a call that tells me that Bill wants me to play his wife, you know and voice-overs when she gets back. Its like a husband and wife, playing bars around the galaxy, in a beat up RV ship! Maybe there will be a new album from Bill…..revamp the Rocket man……

In Breach you spent alot of time on your own…… How was that, and how many times did you hit yourself in the face?

You know me well……I’m very proud as I did all my own fight sequences, there are only like 10 shots that aren’t of me at all. When there is twirling of pipes over my head, i wasn’t allowed to do that, or the chain whipping over my head. I don’t know, it’s hard to remember how many times, I mean I’ve been knocked in the head many many times in my career…… Who are you people again???

AT5 - Amanda discusses Head Injury

(Note to reader:- This is where the now famous Head Injury comment originated from……)

In the scene where Ian Tracy throws me against the wall, I got slightly concussed, because we were both so completely into the acting in the moment, that I forgot to brace myself with my elbows. When you get thrown against something, you extend your elbows backwards, to take the blow and you head….<pauses> I can’t remember what you do with your head……<head injury moment> but anyway I didn’t do that at all. And we shot that like 3 times, one after the other, and I ended up seizing my neck. It was locked for months after. Not dramatically or anything, but enough that like, Hey Amanda, (demonstrates turning most of upper body towards being called)………So no chains, no pipes, I’m good with a hammer.  I don’t remember hitting Ian Tracy at all during that, but he might tell you a different story…..

Question from Shirt N’ Tie (Paul O’Dwyer) on twitter – Last time at AT4 he asked you about Helen Magnus and Sam Carter being stuck in a lift. The topic turns to Men. Same Elevator. This time Jack O’Neill and John Druitt are stuck in there together. The topic turns to Women…..Discuss……

Oh. Ah, Ok. Thomasina isn’t here, Um, Tracy, (Tracy is the Staff and Steward Coordinators on the team) Amanda smiled. Can we do it at the charity auction? (Tracy bravely nods her agreement) Ok. Can I have a P90? (grins)

Hitting myself with a gun?

AT5 - Amanda discusses hitting gun

In the smoke and mirrors episode in SG-1 I leapt over a stone wall like a sporty ninja… I had practiced and practiced doing this and then in the real take, I went, and I leapt, and landed with the gun and thwacked myself. Because I hadn’t practiced doing it with the gun!

You’ve spoken about Magnus not having just dated Men. If there was a kissing scene between Magnus and another woman, would you play it yourself or opt not to?

Oh I’d play it myself are you kidding me? (Applause from audience) It’s not that I am particularly sexually liberated or anything, it’s just as an actor you kiss random guys on set, so what’s the difference?

Who would you cast? (Someone shouts Teryl…….)

Well, with Teryl it would be like kissing your sister. Yeah. So, I don’t know, it would have to be more passionate. Hmmm….

In the Tower of London in there is a P90 and the description reads ‘As seen in Stargate SGT-9’ is there a movie we haven’t heard of that due to come out? (laughter)

Really??? The Brits got it wrong?  Really? Maybe we’re gonna do a movie? I’ll trade you the crown jewels for the correct name of the show.’

(Suddenly Amanda laughs he laugh into the microphone and we are treated to the Chipmunk Laugh)

AT5 - Amanda discusses Chipmunks

You mentioned that you would have Amelia Airheart as an ex lover of Magnus. Who would you cast as her?

(Someone in the audience tentatively mentions Richard Gere)

’d cast Richard Gere……. No. Hilary Swank? (then pitches this to the audience) Good or Not? No. (someone shouts out Clare Danes)

Clare Danes? That would be interesting.<pauses for a moment> Then I’d go and have tea with my Mum, Helen Mirren…….

AT5 - Chipmunk

Is there any way that you could explain the Sam/McKay relationship, where they are married in an alternate universe? I mean How….How would that happen…..

Which one was that. (Audience – Ripple effect) Um. Pity? David himself is charming, but Rodney……Not so much. Maybe Sam saw some of David Hewlett in Rodney? I don’t know! I mean, Sam’s not good with relationships. Perhaps he had a death wish…..(this is alluding to the fact that as Sam, her suitors have a tendency to die…..)

What is your Favourite episode of Sam/Jack kiss?

Grace ranks right up there, because it’s beautiful, and the kiss helps. Heroes, such an awkward episode. It was Awkward and hard and everyone had to step up their game. You know we were right on the US border, and this was after 9/11 and there we are on the US border, letting off explosives… we had to let everyone know and get permission to do it. Plus you had these helicopters constantly flying over head, and the Border patrol actually checking that we were film crew.

What is your best time up the Grouse Grind?

54 Minutes. I did actually after I had Olivia, and that was not fun…..and I mean I was a leaky emotional mess. I wasn’t in control of my own body! But it’s usually an hour to get up there. You guys know what this is right? Oh ok. It’s a climb in Vancouver up the Grouse Mountain, and it’s like this incredibly steel incline. I mean, some people have done it in 26 minutes. Alan and I are climbing, and this 80 year sprinted up past us, and we were panting and puffing. So usually an hour. But my best was 54 minutes. The Chief is another hike.

How was the Sanctuary Wine?

I haven’t drunk it yet.

Questioner – Keep it that way!

AT – Why is it like Battery acid or something.

Questioner – Let’s put it this way the younger ones amongst us thought it was great.

AT – Right. I hope I remember that with all my head injuries…..

AT5 - Amanada Tapping discusses Sanc Wine

Is Jello a favourite in the Magnus House hold? And if so, what colour would Magnus have?

Red. Because when I think Magnus I think blood….. (Audience calls out the other members of the Sanctuary)

Ashley? Orange.  Um, Bigfoot would be Blue, because he likes the way it turns his tongue a funny colour. Will, would be yellow, no Purple! Declan, Read white and Blue! Have you all had Blue Jello?

(Audience Yes! But we have to buy it in)

You ask the most insane questions……

(Someone in the Audience – We have an international Blue Jello Smuggling Ring)

If you are producing something, as a executive producer are you able to say if you don’t like something and have it changed? Perhaps If you don’t like a particular Story?

Its Timing. Timing is everything. You know you prepping the season, your waiting for finances to come through, and then you’re a go and you get a month to prep the season and by the time I get the episodes, it too late for me to turn around and go ‘This sucks!’ So you go with what you have and you make the most of what is there.

Have you ever had a moment when you were an awkward situation?

Um. No. Not that I remember…..<points to head indicating head injury> I’ve done my fair share of dorky things. OH, haha, Julia and I were in Bath, at the Spa, and we got out to go back to the changing rooms, and we were just chatting away, and we walked into the changing rooms, and I am looking around for our locker, and I see an M on one of the doors. Julia’s behind me, and I realise that we have walked into the Men’s Washroom!!! So yeah. I do that a lot. Not, walking in to Men’s washrooms specifically……

(Audience….What about when you were on the Plane…)

What, oh. OH, So I’m on the plane coming to AT5, and the steward is all jittery and skittish and I thought, he knows me from something. So he goes away and I settle in, and then after a few minutes he comes back and says to me ‘I’m really sorry, but I thought you were Kate Middleton.’ I was like, Oh Wow. Right, because, Well Kate Middleton, she’s a lot younger than me for starters. Then he went on to say, ‘I do know who you are, you’re in Stargate and etc…’

AT5 - Looking to Julia

(Suddenly her time is up and the threat of having to play guitar is enough to send Amanda running rapidly from the stage…….. Last con, Amanda annoyed the tech crew, and Amanda said, I will NOT play guitar at AT5, however the tech crew muted out the NOT! Hence when the Guitar threat appeared, Amanda Bolted from the stage…..GABIT wouldn’t have really made her do it!!)

AT5 - Amanda Tapping says good bye!


I have never seen someone so engaging and so tangible. Amanda Tapping has a way of taking you AT5 - My Eye Smallon the journey with her when she is retelling an experience. You laugh with her, you feel the sorrow she feels and ultimately you just want to Hug her. She really and truly is a uniquely brilliant woman, whose ability and stage presence is phenomenal, and to me, is why she is the Empress of Sci-Fi.

With the first session over and we break to go and have our Photographs taken. I sit in line and then my turn arrives, and I am honking like a complete goose by this stage. I feel sorry for Amanda as I step up to have my photo taken, and John tries to make me look amazing.

I think it may have taken most of his skill!!!!!  But photo done, and a quick hug exchange from the lovely woman, and I am out on rubbery legs into the Photo/T-Click to visit and donate to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People!shirts/Hearing Dogs for Deaf People stands and stalls area.

Having made it through the session I believe I am in need of yet another Coffee, and potentially a stack o f Ibuprofen and a lay down!!!

(Credit – I would like to thank the Sanctuary Team for their support in transcribing the Q&A data. JohnLizzieGirl (Kay Andrews), Gairwyn (Zoe Hodgson) and JandyraCJM (CJ). Thank you so much for the Transcripts. I know the hand cramps were a nightmare!

Also photo credits to Darren Thelwall, CJ, Kay Andrews, Jen Marsden, Jamie Stephens, Denise Hughes and Patrycja Kubiak)


As always thank you for visiting WormholeRiders News Agency and reading my report. Please feel free to leave a comment below, share this article by clicking one of the social media icons below or visit me on Twitter by clicking on the avatar to the right.

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SurrealVampi (Kate)


One thought on “AT5 Reverberation Saturday: GABIT Events! Got Amanda Back In Town!

  1. Can’t believe I missed it! I’m SOOOO goin’ to the next one! Must save up LOL! Sounds like you all had a great spiffing time! WOW on the transcripts btw, I would so not remember anything that was said due to be dumbfounded at meeting AMANDA TAPPING! ‘Who said what now?!’
    Might see you there next time…HOPEFULLY! *fingers crossed*

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Stargate Vancouver 2011 Gold Tickets Giveaway!

Sat Mar 5 , 2011
Greetings Stargate and convention fans, Today Saturday March 05, 2011 WormholeRiders News Agency is pleased to announce courtesy of Creation Entertainment, the Stargate Vancouver 2011 Gold Tickets Giveaway for their fantastic Stargate Convention to be conducted April 14-17, 2011 at the Hilton Metrotown Burnaby, 6083 McKay Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia! […]
Click to learn more about the Hilton Vancouver Metrotown!

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