Chevron 7.6 Day Two: Stargate Activated in Birmingham England!

Click to learn more about Chevron 7.6 at the official web site!

Hello again Stargate fans!Click to visit and follow Honest Hunny (Tracy) on Twitter!

We continue our coverage of Chevron 7.6 produced by Showmasters Massive Events division here at the Hilton Metropole, in BirmGeekySteph (L) and Gairwyn (R) pre Chevron 7.6ingham, England.

Editors Note: This convention news report was a team effort drafted with contributions, inputs and images from all three reporters attending this outstanding event by Showmasters and Massive Events.

The team consists of HonestHunny (Tracy) who provided the main draft with images provided and uploaded byClick to visit and follow John LizzieGirl (Kay) on Twitter! JohnLizzieGirl (Kay) with notes and review inputs from Gairwyn (Zoe) and Kay as the Stargate fans went wild with glee in the United Kingdom at the festivities.

In fact re-tweeting occurred around the world on Twitter with 140 character messages of Stargate Joy and support from friends like GeekySteph (pictured above left of Gairwyn) who also contributed images! Thank you ladies!

Click to learn more about Showmasters at their official web site!

As I sat writing this, we all found ourselves enjoying ourselves just opposite Teryl Rothery. Only a stones throw away, listening to her dulcet tones as she talked with her friends and Sea Sheppard Captain Paul Watson was wonderful.

Chevron 7.6 - Sea Sheperd Paul Watson and Teryl Rothery

What a day – oh what a day and tomorrow promises even better things!

An early start found us queuing for autographs.  First signing was Gary Jones who greeted us with a cheery “Hi there! How you doing?”  Next was Fulvio Cecere who proved to have a good sense of humour when listening to my conversation with his handler.

When asked how he was finding his first UK convention he said it was a lot of fun and he was enjoying it very much, followed by trying to get him to say ‘Birmingham’ in an English accent which even with a lot of practice still proved difficult.  Then we had to wait for Dan Shea to arrive for his autograph and when he did we eagerly joined the queue at the end of which we were greeted with gusto.  Next we took a break and a look around the dealer’s room left us coming away with plenty of goodies and lighter wallets.

Chevron 7_6 - Richard Dean Anderson
The afternoon was filled with talks from all the guests, the details of which will be contained in further reports.  First up was the ever wonderful Richard Dean Anderson, which was an easy going and enjoyable talk, showcasing a delightful sense of humour, in fact Jock O’Neill’s character really showed through in his witty ruminations of his past.

Chevron 7_6 - Richard Dean Anderson
We were treated to a quick insight into where and how he grew up, how he got into acting and his career up to today, including some bad boy anecdotes, for example “Working the streets and sniffing the dogs”.  He mentioned his stint in General Hospital and then continued on to MacGyver and how his connections with that show opened the door to the world of Stargate.

Chevron 7.6 - Richard Dean Anderson
Next up was Gary Jones and Teryl Rothery‘s talk. The first thing Gary mentioned was that his and Teryl’s character had never interacted on screen, and that ‘Heroes’ was his favourite episode because Teryl died, all said in jest obviously.  He went on to say that it was actually his favourite episode because it was the episode where he realised that the writer’s liked him because they poked fun at his character, with showing Saul Rubinek around the Gate Room explaining his role of simply opening and closing the Gate!

Next up was the Sea Sheppard talk which was kicked off by Captain Paul Watson of Sea Sheppard, a subsequent report will go into more detail regarding the organisation.  However, he very eloquently described what their cause is and why they do it.  He described the planet Click to learn more about the Sea Sheppard charity!as a spaceship with crew and passengers and that human beings are passengers with other species being the crew which maintain the biosphere and ensure we have all the air and food we need and that the waste is taken care of.

What an inspiration that man is!  Thank goodness there are people like him around to take a stand against the brutal organisations that terrorise our seas.  He explained how the numbers of whales they had saved from the Japanese whaling industry had risen every year they have been in their waters, saving 528 whales with their latest tour.

Chevron 7_6 - Capt Paul Watson of the Sea Sheperd charity
Their next charity mission (which Paul Watson will be meeting up with after the convention) is to patrol the waters off Libya’s coast to protect the Blue Fin Tuna from people exploiting the war for unguarded fish. This will be followed by a trip to the Faroe Islands to stop the hunting of pilot whales there.  Richard Dean Anderson then joined Captain Watson and it was joyfully clear how close these two people are – brought together by a common passion for the planet’s wildlife and well being.

Chevron 7.6 - Capt Paul Watson and Rich Dean Anderson
Near the end was the wonderful auction to raise money for the Sea Sheppard charity supported by Richard Dean Anderson.  A safety hat as worn by the crews of Sea Sheppard modeled by Richard Dean Anderson was snapped up for £300.  An eco-friendly jacket made of hemp and recycled plastic for £425.

Chevron 7_6 - Dan Shea and Fulvio Cecere
The final talk for the day involved Dan Shea and Fulvio Cecere.  We will try to piece together more of Dan Shea’s talk at a later date, but for now the man is too manic to properly explain.  The man talks faster than Michael Shanks and I was completely unable to keep up with him.

Chevron 7_6 - Dan Shea and Fulvio Cecere

Click to learn more about Chris Judge of SG1 at MGM Studios!

By the time the talk ended it was time for the big announcement about the next Chevron event.

The first special guest announced for Chevron 7.7 was Chris Judge, followed quickly by the word on Ben Browder too! Click to learn more about Ben Browder-SG1 at MGM Studios!

And with that piece of news I will leave you to wait with baited breath for the next report! We now will head to bed so we can be fresh and ready for tomorrow’s fun and follow up reports.

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Thank you.

Tracy (HonestHunny)

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Chevron 7.6 Day Three: “Things Come Out Of My Mouth That I Can’t Control” - Richard Dean Anderson and MacGyver 2011

Sun May 8 , 2011
Hello again Stargate and Chevron 7.6 fans! Sunday dawned on a parade of tired Chevron party-goers and many of us found ourselves having a manic day of rushing from photo shoots to autograph sessions to cafes and hotel rooms.  We found ourselves crossing paths briefly and giggling about our photo […]
Chevron 7.6 - Richard Dean Anderson

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