Stargate Liquidation: Where Are We Going, Where Have We Been? Saying Goodbye and Looking Forward!


What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.

~T. S. Eliot

Hello again Stargate fans,

Since the announcement of Stargate Universe’s cancellation some months ago, emotions have been running high.

The Bridge Studios Entrance Sign

Click to visit Maynards Auctioneers!

Well, maybe that is an understatement. In all honesty emotions have been pretty high since the cancellation of Stargate SG-1, then Stargate Atlantis, and even further with the birth of SGU (which some angry fans refused to ever even watch, out of protest).

On Friday June 17, 2011 at The Bridge Studios conducted by Maynard’s Auctioneer’s, I watched fans line up, eager to purchase a piece of Stargate History.

Stargate Liquidation - Maynards banner

Stargate Liquidation - Waiting in Line

Stargate Liquidation - Eager fans
While waiting in line, some told stories of favorite episodes; some complained of the cancellations; some simply looked forlorn with tears in their eyes. When the doors opened and fans were allowed into the liquidation, some even briskly ran into the FX stage, most heading toward the costumes and props first.

Stargate Liquidation - Man with prop collar

Stargate Liquidation - Stargate Underwear

With the finality brought by this weekend’s liquidation, understandably many fans are left with a sense of sadness, emptiness, and lack of direction. What is the correct response? Should fans be mad, sad, or just move on? What fans do not want is to be without a path forward.

Stargate Liquidation - Patty with prop weapon

Many of you probably have heard of the protests as well as felt the encouragement to participate in boycotts in an attempt to force the networks and studios to either continue with the Stargate franchise or at least to give the fans the Stargate movies they desired. It is very understandable that fans wish to take action; no one wants to feel helpless in a situation such as this one. However being explosive and attacking the studios, actors, creators and or the networks will not produce effective results.

Stargate Liquidation - C4 explosive prop

Fans want to be heard; they desire a voice and even more the continuation of the programming they enjoy; after all, they have put blood, sweat, and tears into supporting the entertainment they love. These shows have become an integral part of their lives through forging fandom friendships, attending conventions, following online fan communities, collecting memorabilia, and even writing and reading fan fiction. So yes, the events of late, especially with the liquidation, have caused great distress for many dedicated supporters of the franchise.

Stargate Liquidation - Shopping at Bridge Studios
We all know that endings are rarely easy, but it is very important that none of us loses sight of the bigger picture as we choose our course of action now that the reality that Stargate has truly ended begins to set in. The sets are gone; the costumes are sold off; the Stargate offices at Bridge Studios are empty, with the stages now being used for other new shows. Our research confirms that all of those involved in the beloved franchise are moving on to other projects.

Stargate Liquidation - Main with Utility kilt
Recently I have spoken to quite a few involved in the show in various capacities, and they are sad, too; they feel very proud to have been involved in the Stargate franchise. However these actors, writers, and producers are also realistic and are looking to the future. They want and need to move on to other creative projects.

After all, there are many great stories out there yet to be told, some of which may also grow into fan favorites. If fans close themselves off to future shows because off their anger over the loss of the Stargate franchise, no one wins, not the actors, writers, studios, production companies, and certainly not the fans. Even the city of Vancouver suffers dramatically. So many people depend on such shows and facilities like Bridge Studios for their livelihood.

Click to learn more about The Bridge Studios in Vancouver!
It was not until I was walking around Bridge Studios, seeing all of the busy workers go about their day, that I realized how many are affected by the end of a show. Sure, actors lose work, but workers at many levels suffer, including caterers, set design, accounting, construction, you name it, all lose out. Truly everyone loses when shows end when they could have continued with proper support.

It is important to remember there are still wonderful shows out there to support, and fans can save them from a similar fate as the Stargate shows. Among other shows such as Warehouse 13 and Eureka, fans still have Sanctuary, a show supported by a great number of Stargate fans and perhaps considered by many a close cousin to the Stargate franchise. Unfortunately, the tactics of some who are angry over recent cancellations could really harm Sanctuary and call the future of the show into question.

A boycott may seem like a good idea on the surface, but most often such activities have the opposite of the intended effect: boycotts exacerbate poor ratings rather than attract the attention of those in charge. Ratings are a big deal, like it or not, television and movie entertainment is a business. The Powers That Be, whoever they are at the time, must make fiscally responsible decisions based on the ratings. Yeah, I know—not what any of us wants to hear, but still this a fact of life.

Stargate Liquidation - Sherry Fowler at liquidation
On the brighter side, the way ratings are tallied is improving to more accurately reflect the viewing audience; now methods used by networks include “On Demand”, DVR recording and legal downloads, which are how many Sci Fi fans watch programming. With this in mind, it is very important for fans to watch the shows in ways that tally their viewership—not through illegal downloads; such illegal file sharing harms the future of shows we love and even the potential for future shows down the road.

So once we have said good bye, at least for now, to Stargate, where do we go from here? How can fans be heard by The Powers That Be regarding their displeasure with network choices, grief over loses of programming, suggestions and support for shows, as well as hopes for future programming?

There are ways to be heard without causing harm to the very shows fans love. It is much more productive to focus on forward motion rather than stagnating over past losses. Recently WormholeRiders News Agency published a guide with positive suggestions for a campaign to support Sanctuary and help keep it from the path that ultimately doomed Stargate. The campaign has been effective helping fans overcome their frustration ending the season up over 600,00 live viewers from series lows.

Click to download Project Sanctuary Guide to Support TV Shows
While this model is based on Sanctuary, these ideas can work with any show. Fans should have a voice. If the efforts are constructive the networks and production companies should and do listen. However there is a huge difference between providing constructive criticism versus reacting emotionally in negative ways that will not benefit anyone in the long run.

Click to visit MGM Studios the home of the Stargate franchiseAnd beyond the sadness, disappointment, and ultimate ending (for now) of MGM Studios Stargate franchise, symbolized so fully by the whole entirety of nearly 15 years of production priced, stacked, and sold to the public this weekend at the liquidation, life and the entertainment industry goes on.

To that point, last weekend viewers were introduced to a new science fiction Falling Skies which a new team at WHR is covering at conventions and with great reviews. Falling Skies features many celebrities who have successfully learned to move on in their careers when things in life end and new beginnings are realized. Respectfully, fans need to internalize this as well.

It is true, beginnings and endings are different sides of the same coin; perhaps this new series will provide a new chance for fans to engage in and support a wonderful, new creative endeavor. Many of the actors we all know and love are part of this project. And with the support of the fans, there will be other exciting shows to take us forward. Let’s relish the memories, respectfully say goodbye, and move forward with open minds for what lies ahead.

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Sherry Fowler

3 thoughts on “Stargate Liquidation: Where Are We Going, Where Have We Been? Saying Goodbye and Looking Forward!

  1. One of the sadnesses of reading and film viewing, is that you can only do it once for the first time. I’ve often thought it would be wonderful to read “The Lord of the Rings” again for “the first time”, with a completely blank slate.

    And, in a sense, that is what I am doing with Stargate Universe! I was never a big fan of Stargate 1 or Stargate Atlantis, so I never bothered to watch Stargate Universe — although I saw commercials and trailers for it. But back on June 1st, I started watching SG:U for the first time, and it is such a great show!! I’m up through 14 of the 40 shows, and the SFX are great, the characterisations are compelling, and the situations and issues are exciting. So sad that it is a goner. Much better than The Event, which I watch, and which may be continued elsewhere. SG:U may be even better than FlashForward which I thought was very well done.

    Just found your site today, read a few interesting things, and earlier sent a two-tweet query to you about a mystery concerning Tron Legacy. See what you think. Your site is very well done!

  2. Great article. I hope that Sherry sticks around and writes more articles for Wormhole Riders.


  3. Does anyone of you know if any pieces of the Super Soldier/Kull Warrior were sold in the sale?


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Sanctuary: Songs for Sanctuary for Kids to Serenade Citizens at Charity Fund Raiser in New York!

Thu Jun 23 , 2011
Welcome back supporters of worthwhile charity efforts, This Saturday evening June 25, 2011 something very wonderful to help children around the world is going to occur in New York City! Of what do we speak? Why of course we are talking (and tweeting) about Songs for Sanctuary for Children, an […]
Click to donate to Sanctuary For Kids and Dare to Dream!

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