UPDATE: Stargate Breakfast with Dan Payne and Alex Zahara at Creation Entertainments SGChi and DragonCon!

Stargate Chicago 2013 banner - Click to learn more at the official Creation Entertainment web site

Hello Chicago Stargate Creation Entertainment ChiCon and DragonCon convention fans!

Something exciting is about to occur at in Atlanta after a wonderful series of events at the luxury Westin Hotel in Rosemont Illinois on Saturday August 17 and on Sunday August 18, 2013 too!

UPDATE: StargateBreakfast Atlanta during DragonCon will occur on Sunday September 01, 2013 ONLY! Contact Alex Zahara, Dan Payne and or Sherry Fowler for details before seats sell out!

DragonCon banner logo - Click to learn more at their official web site!This is your chance to “Break Bread” during an intimate breakfast with Alex Zahara and Dan Payne during the upcoming conventions known as Creation Entertainment ChiCon and Dragon Con in Atlanta Georgia!

Today. ArcticGoddess1 (Patricia) and I had the pleasure to chat with Alex Zahara and Dan Payne about their upcoming convention appearances and the Stargate Breakfasts that begin at the famous Creation Entertainment Chicago conventions known around the world as ChiCon!

During our time together Dan and Alex shared feelings of gratitude for their devoted fans, recalling fun times on Stargate in the episode “1969” and the infamous “Super Soldier” kiss on set with Michael Shanks and working with Lexa Doig for whom they both have great admiration. Click to visit and follow Dan Payne on Twitter!

We here at WHR would like like to see both work with Ms. Doig in Continuum where they both admitted they would willingly to submit to a good “arse” (butt) kicking by the lovely Liber8 villains Sonya Valentine (Lexa Doig) and Jasmine Garza (Luvia Petersen)!

Personally, this reviewer is excited about Alex’s appearance in the new science fiction series Helix starring Kyra Zagorsky coming in 2014 on Syfy, and a new television movie, The Hunters, about artifacts from fantasy fairy tales that Dan and Alex recently completed filming together.

The Hunters features severClick to visit and learn more about Alex Zahara at his official web site!al Arrow, Fringe, Stargate, Arctic Air and Battlestar Galactica actors including Alexa Vega, Michelle Forbes, Victor Garber, Kira Clavell, Keenan Tracey and Mark Ghanime!

For a modest sixty dollars ($60) USD, you can have breakfast with Dan Payne and Alex Zahara on Saturday August 17, 2013 or Sunday the 18th in Chicago.

The StargateBreakfast events are limited to 12 persons each day, so with only 10 remaining breakfast tickets available (4 on Saturday, and 6 on Sunday).

Following the ChiCon event, if you miss Dan and Alex in Chicago, they are are heading to Atlanta Georgia to attend Dragon Con!

The $60 fee at each event includes a personal autograph of an item that you bring with you to the breakfast.

In an Atlanta schedule yet to be determined, admirers of Dan and Alex will also have an opportunity to attend Stargate Breakfast events during their upcoming appearances at the fan run Dragon Con for those lucky persons attending that exciting entertainment convention in Atlanta, Georgia!

Click to visit and follow Sherry Fowler on Twitter!To inquire about this and upcoming events with Dan and Alex, please click these links to e-mail Dan Payne (MayDaydano@HotMail.com), AlexZahara (AlexZahara2@GMail.com) for the Chicago event, and SherryFowler (SherryFowler1@GMail.com) for the Stargate breakfast schedule in Atlanta Georgia during Dragon Con.

You may also contact Sherry Fowler on Twitter (pictured right) for details about the Dragon Con Stargate Breakfast details.

We will have more on these exciting events on our WHR You Decide radio programs in the future as we near the dates with special programs for you to learn more about the convention adventures experienced by Dan Payne and Alex Zahara!

We will return with more soon! “Dial the Gate!” for convention and Stargate breakfast fun with Alex and Dan!

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Or as many of our readers and visitors often do, visit WHR on Twitter, WHR on Facebook or visit me on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story. I and the WHR team look forward to Seeing You on The Other Side!

Thank you. Click to visit and follow WR_Systems (Kenn) on Twitter!

Best Regards,

WR_Systems (Kenn)

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