Welcome back all convention goers.
This is the last Question and Answer (Q&A) quest panel presented from Scifi on the Rock 5 convention that took place on Sunday, April 17th, 2011 at the lovely Holiday Inn here at St. John’s, Newfoundland.
These guys are the most amazing and talented people you will ever meet. When I first met up with them on Saturday, they were so welcoming it warmed your heart. This included both of the Mind’s Eye web series creators who were in attendance Tom Brown and Thomas Gofton.
When Tom Brown introduced me to him, he immediately hugged me. Though, they are both great huggers, I must share with you ladies, they are both taken, Sorry! 😉
During our time together we talked about their opportunity of visiting our city, though for Tom Brown, he grew up here in St. Johns. It was his first time back in many years and he got the opportunity to visit with his family. They both thanked me personally for getting them here as well as Kenn who introduced Mind’s Eye web series to SciFi on the Rock. I told them that it was a group effort and that I cannot take all the credit. I also shared that I am just so excited that they will be back again next year.
If you ever have the opportunity of seeing them on a convention line up, you just HAVE to go and meet up with them. Tell them I sent you. 😛
I will not get into much detail as to what is in the video Q&A that you are about to see, but I do personally ask that you visit their Mind’s Eye web site and help these awesome guys by supporting season 2 of their amazing web-series. How does one that you may ask? Simply just click on their merchandise options and purchase one of their products, or you could just make a donatation.
So without further adieu, we bring you the two Tom’s from Mind’s Eye web series. I hope you enjoy their Q&A as much as I did attending their amazing panel. You guys ROCK!!!
Thank you for visiting WormholeRiders News Agency Conventions Corner news site.
Come back again in the future for more 2011 convention news and please feel free to leave a comment below, share this news article by clicking an icon below, or you can nab me on Twitter.
Until then, hope you a great day.
Thank you.
I’m so Italian when I talk. All with my hands!
Thanks Thomas for the panel video. See you on the other side on Twitter and Mind’s Eye!
Best Regards
LOL Thomas, too funny. Glad you liked the post, it was awesome to finally meet you guys and can't wait to meet you again next year. I'll bring the duct tape for next year, lol