Hello once again Stargate Fans!
In April, I had the opportunity to attend Creation Entertainment’s Vancouver Stargate Convention at the Hilton Metrotown. I’d like to thank the great people at Creation Entertainment for allowing me to cover the convention for WormholeRiders News Agency.
I have written several previous articles on my experience including Brad Wright’s panel on Sunday and Friday’s guests. This will be my last report from Stargate Vancouver often known to as VanCon by many of the fans for all the conventions in Vancouver!
Sunday morning dawned early in Vancouver with Brad Wright’s panel that led to a day of great programming. You can find the article HERE.
“Life with Stargate” Panel
The next guests were the lovely Corin Nemic (who played Jonas Quinn on Stargate SG-1 as well as a guest role on Supernatural), handsome Jamil Walker Smith (Sgt Ronald Greer from Stargate Universe), and always gorgeous J.R. Bourne (Martouf on Stargate SG-1).
Opening the panel was a joke about Facebook and a couple of jokes about Twitter from all the convention guest celebrities. Those jokes would be a continuing theme throughout the panel, far too many to recount here, but you get the drift I am sure.
The guests opened up the floor to questions and the first question was directed to Corin Nemic from a lady about his crazy uncles that he’d shared stories about at a previous event.
A gentleman then asked Jamil if there was someone in his past that he had channeled to become such an intense character as in the past several other cast members had commented that he was least like his character on screen. Jamil spoke about how he’s found that the person who is the biggest guy is usually also the biggest teddy bear. He explained that he channeled his stepfather who happened to also be named Ronald as well.
Someone then asked if they (Jamil, J.R. and Corin) were to work on a show together what it would be like. The guys replied that it would probably be a lot like this convention appearance was. Sitting in chairs talking with people watching.
There were some rather mundane questions for the panelists such as had Corin ever visited the real Kelowna (British Columbia), what things Jamil would have liked to do as Greer that he didn’t get to do.
A lady asked how closely they associated with their characters on the various show. Jamil talked about how when you are filming 9 months a year you become the character in a way because you share their history and know what has happened and don’t have to create your own back-story for them. Corin and J.R. Bourne both echoed Jamil’s sentiments, which also would become a reoccurring theme for the panel. J.R. added that if he was playing a dark character he tried not to judge the character. Jamil butted in and added that you had to find the humanity that help to define a character.
There was the traditional wondering what (if anything) the guys would be appearing in. J.R. will be in a new series called “Teen Wolf” that is based off a prior movie. Corin has finished several movies that should be coming out this year. Jamil spoke about his movie that he filmed “Make a Movie Like Spike…” which is about two best friends who filmed their last 36 hours before going to Afghanistan and their last 36 hours in Afghanistan.
J.R. was asked if he had any funny or favorite Amanda Tapping stories to share with the audience. He shared a few that kept the audience in stitches.
The panel continued in this vein for a while people asking various questions and the guys were answering them.
It was during this panel that one of the most memorable questions I have heard in a while was presented to Jamil Walker Smith. A fan named Sean Koo went to the microphone asked Jamil if it was true that he (Jamil) really had a picture of him {Sean} on his fridge at home?
Jamil chuckled and explained to us that yes he did have a picture of Mr. Koo on his fridge, as The Bridge Studios staff had alerted him (Jamil) that he (Sean) has a tendency to show up at location shoots and would he (Jamil) be so kind as to let them know if Mr. Koo did so again!
Christopher Heyerdahl
The final panel of the convention was with the wonderfully entertaining Christopher Heyerdahl (Halling and Todd on Stargate Atlantis, various roles on Sanctuary) who kept us in stitches the entire panel.
He spoke at length about his roles on Stargate Atlantis and Sanctuary and the differences between the two. He was also questioned about his role in one of the recent Twilight films.
The thing I found most interesting about Chris Heyerdahl was his amazing store of energy. I commented afterward to a friend that if only we could find a way to contain his (Chris’) and Andee Frizzell’s (an earlier guest) energy that the world would never need another drop of fossil fuel. It was most difficult to get photos of Chris thanks to this boundless store of energy and most photos that I was able to get were giant blurs.
I would like to once again thank Creation Entertainment for being so welcoming and for putting on such a great event, again. It is always a pleasure to see the wonderful guests that they procure so close to home.
Please feel free to leave me a comment here or you can visit me on Twitter as so many of our convention friends often do by clicking my avatar below right of my text link.
As always thanks for visiting WormholeRiders News Agency here at Conventions Corner.
See you all soon “On The Other Side” on Twitter!
MacKenziesMomma (Kassandra)
Nice report, but your little sum up of my part made me sound like a stalker lol I went to ask Jamil a completely different question about the gun training he needed to learn for SGU but he interrupted my question by telling everyone how he knew me when I went to Toronto to SGU to support them at CanadaAM. He did say he kept a photo of he and I on his fridge but I didn’t bring that up. He offered that up 🙂 Don’t think I’d go to a panel to ask a question about myself. I’m not that egotistical haha I was supposed to be working at the con anyways 🙂
That being said here’s the photo he talked about hehe:
Hi Sean,
Thank you for the comment. No you are famous for showing up at conventions and location shoots. From what we have been told you are infamous, Errrr famous! lol.
Best Regards