Fan Expo Dallas: Delightful Dalek Days!


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Welcome back Fan Expo Dallas Comic-Con fans!

Fan Expo Dallas Comic Con - Mykah and JenahMy son and I had an amazing experience at Fan Expo Dallas this past weekend!

Part of that really was the outstanding organization and arrangements. I tend to have a bit of anxiety in crowds, but that was a thing of the past at Fan Expo Dallas!

What I loved about Fan Expo Dallas was that the layout was so easy to remember that I was able to easily exit the crowd if I felt anxious.

Fan Expo Dallas Comic Con Ohana and JenahThere was plenty of space to walk through the vendor’s areas, if you needed to step aside, you did not have to push through the crowd to do so. Fan Expo Dallas really did an amazing job once again.

The guest list was amazing. And all of them were so gracious and kind that you felt noticed personally, not just as another fan wanting an autograph or to ask a question. Meeting each one was a unique experience, and I have so many experiences to tell you about.

I take great responsibility to relate those experiences to you accurately and still with the awe that I experienced at each event. Thanks for your patience with me as I prepare a detailed report.

Fan Expo Dallas Comic Con - Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman of Doctor Who!I loved seeing many of you at the absolutely fun filled Fan Expo Dallas Comic Con last weekend!

Thanks to the recorded video by pxlbarrel, I leave you with a fabulous fan video of Peter Capaldi impersonating a Dalek on stage with Jenna Coleman and Michelle Gomez. It was hilarious!

I will have more detailed reports coming to you soon about Fan Expo Dallas!

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!Thanks to Kenn for final audio, video embedding , and image staging, and many thanks to you for reading and visiting WormholeRiders News Agency.

Click to visit and follow Jenah Hicks on Twitter!Please feel free to leave a comment here, click an icon below to share this news article, or you can chat by visiting and following me on Twitter, just click on my avatar to the right.

Thank you!
Jenah (@MsJenah)


I am a lifetime fan of all things SciFi/Fantasy. It started by watching Star Trek reruns with my father when I was young. I realized that a little imagination can make life much more interesting. I teach Middle School Social Studies and Reading. I go to SciFi conventions every chance I get. I am an avid supporter of Stand For the Silent, an anti-bullying organization who's goal is to educate students about the harmful effects of bullying. Wife, mother, Nennah (grandma), Teacher, Writer, SciFi nerd are just a few of the words that describe me, and most of the time I am all of them at once. "The secret to immortality is living a life worth remembering" - Anonymous.

One thought on “Fan Expo Dallas: Delightful Dalek Days!

  1. Good morning Jenah!

    Thank you for a delightful report including the Dalek! Looking forward to more about your Fan Expo Dallas experiences!

    Best Regards,

    Kenn of #TeamWHR

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Fan Expo Dallas: A Fun Filled First Day for Fans!

Mon Jun 20 , 2016
Welcome back Fan Expo Dallas Comic-Con fans! On Friday my son I were ready to have fun at Fan Expo Dallas. We had a very busy evening. There were so many things we wanted to do, and panels we wanted to see at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas. […]

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