My fellow Defiance fans! I hope that you made it down to Comic-Con 2013 this year! If not, I am here to give you a taste of what their very first panel was like. I am hoping that this year will be the first of many years to come for […]


Hello my fellow Oncers! I am back, one again to report on our favorite show! The third season is close at hand and I wanted to finally get my Comic-con post out for all those who were not able to make it this year. When I entered Ballroom 20 I […]

Hello Comic-coners! I am back again with another fun-filled report. I had the great pleasure of interviewing some of the cast and producers of the new STARZ series Black Sails (January 2014). It was an interview I was looking forward to, because it’s about Pirates! Now I am not talking […]

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