Pop Culture is at the heart of why WormholeRiders exists today. This begs the question, though, as to where pop culture would be today without the fans that drive it to being a major part of our lives? Resident WormholeRiders contributing writer Amanda Rosenblatt has recently released an independent film […]


Hello Stargate fans, In Mid November 2011 a tribe of science fiction fans traveled from around the globe to the Los Angeles Airport Marriott, where according to Creation Entertainment this would be the last of its kind Stargate and Farscape event. I was among several happy Aussies to make the […]


Welcome back Gabit Events fans and friends, Editors Note: Below please find JandyraCJM’s (CJ) long awaited AT5 part two report. Our apologies for the delay, but CJ has been a little busy acting, schooling, working, being pregnant and of great import, giving birth to a Nublet named Olivia! Additionally, and […]


Welcome MCM Expo, Sanctuary and Eureka fans! MCM Expo has always been a popular convention for fans, and this year was no different. The queues stretched on into the distance and the atmosphere was buzzing. Agam Darshi and Jonathon Young of Sanctuary were definitely major players at this year’s event, […]


Welcome back convention fans, We had the absolute pleasure of a roundtable interview with Agam Darshi and Jonathon Young of Sanctuary at this year’s MCM Expo London conducted at the ExCel Center Western Gateway London E16 1XL, United Kingdom. The whole experience was a total delight and very entertaining and […]

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