Welcome to Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio! This game fair is put on and run by the Game Manufacturers Association (GAMA). It began as an outlet serving gaming of all kinds – miniatures gaming, board gaming, collectible card games, LARPing, role-playing, and many other fun activities! Second only in […]
Hello science fiction convention fans! The numbers are in! Attendance for Phoenix Comicon 2012 was 32,000; up from the 2011 attendance of approximately 24,000! Even though the economy is not doing too well, people chose to attend the convention, whether they were local residents, traveling from the east coast of […]
Hello Game Geek Conventions fans! For whom the bell tolls…ugh…it’s 3:41am…double ugh… If you opened ANY dictionary and looked up “morning person”, you would invariably see a picture of my husband (and to a minor extent, my 9 year old too); you would DEFINITELY find a picture of me listed […]
Welcome back Calgary Expo and Fringe fans, Who knew that in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of this incredible 2012 Calgary Expo, that we would find a space as comfy as our own living room? Even though, we were actually sharing our ‘personal’ living room with over […]
Hi there Stargate fans! I am Geoi. You say it like ‘Joey’. This was my first ever convention, and as such, my first ever convention report. I wondered how I should approach this article, then, as usual, I just started writing. This is what came out and I hope you […]
Hello Calgary Expo fans! What an event it the weekend of April 27 – 29 2012 was at the BMO Centre for the Calgary Comic Expo. I have not been able to get official numbers, but more than likely we have blown away our 50K attendance from last year. Early […]