Fan Expo Dallas: Fantastic Fun!


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Welcome back Fan Expo Dallas Comic-Con fans!

Fan Expo Dallas 2016 banner poster!After having such an amazing time at Dallas Fan Expo on Friday, we were beyond excited about Saturday and Sunday! There were some awesome panels and photo ops that we had planned to go to.

Since there were so many things we wanted to do, it took careful planning to schedule out our days. Again, the layout and organization of the con made it easy to plan how to get from one activity to another.

Fan Expo Dallas Comic Con - Mykah and JenahOn Saturday, we had two photo ops, the Doctor Who trio and Arthur Darvill of Doctor Who and Legends of Tomorrow. We were lucky that our plans seemed to work out around our photo ops.

It can get a bit crazy in the lines for photo ops, so you have to remember that you paid for your photo op, so you are not going to get left out. Fans are always so excited to have a chance to get a picture with their favorite guests.

20160604_004956332_iOSThe first panel on Saturday that we went to was Doctor Who’s Peter Capaldi.

After watching the Tales from the Tardis the night before, we knew that we were going to have a blast at Capaldi’s panel. It was interesting to see his personal style which was a t-shirt with a jacket and shades (think back to his guitar-playing, tank-riding entrance to season 9.)

We wondered if the style that he wore in parts of season 9 were influenced by his own personal style. The panel even opened up discussing Capaldi’s changing hair style throughout his time as the doctor. He stated that there is a process to deciding the style used in the show, a group of people to see what is going to work. He even commented on how the audience applauded when he mentioned his longer hair, he called them “hair fans.”

Fan Expo Dallas 2016 Peter CapaldiThe first audience question was from a 10 year old girl that asked what he most embarrassing/awkward thing that happened on set. He discussed that forgetting the lines is embarrassing, and that at times he would try doing this was to see if they work and sometimes things just doesn’t work so he had embarrassing moments each day. He talked about riding around in Davros’s chair.

When asked about what plot he would write about for Doctor who, he said he would like to see about how the Doctor and the granddaughter was and whether she was a Timelord.

Peter discussed being a Doctor Who fan as he grew up, he actually even received a Doctor Who scripts because he often wrote the show with questions. He said the scripts were of episodes that had not been shown yet. I loved seeing Capaldi talk about Doctor Who. It was so evident that he not only loved being the Doctor, but he has been a huge fan of the show prior to being part of it.

Our photo ops were so much fun! We had the Doctor Who trio photo op with Capaldi, Michelle Gomez and Jenna Coleman, and each spoke to us and shook our hand. That made the photo op even more special. Then we had our Photo Op with Arthur Darvill. He also greeted us by saying hello and shaking our hands.

All too often in photo ops there just isn’t time for much interaction as they get you in and out because there are many people waiting for their photo ops. We appreciated that they took just a moment of their time to greet us as we were being ushered in and out.

The next panel we went to was a Question and Answer panel with Frank Miller. The focus of this panel was Dark Night III. The discussion included information about mini comics. Mini comics was an interesting idea in this case to incorporating comics into a larger project. Miller discussed how mini comics could be used by someone who had never been published to get some exposure by professionals. He stated that people can draw the comics, make copies and staple them in the middle and pass them out to fans attending conventions and to give copies to the professionals appearing at the cons. I really liked that he discussed this as a way of showing a way for an artist and/or writers to possibly get noticed for their talents.

At four o’clock Frank Miller is an autograph session for the ones attending the panel. My son was able to get his Dark Night III signed by frank Miller. He was so very excited about getting it. A convention really is a fun way to have fun and create memories for a lifetime.

Athur DarvillWe attended Amy Acker panel as well. She was like a ray of light that lit up the room and her positivity and care free behavior quickly made you realize what an amazing person as well as being a very talented actress. She discussed the fact that fans all over the world were so amazing.

She said that the cast of Person of Interest loved seeing fans visiting the set. There were fans from many places around the world that visited the set, from places like France, Italy, China and POI moms fan group from all over the United States of America. She praised all of her coworkers on Person of Interest. She stated that Michael Emerson was very intelligent and a great example of work ethic. She also stated that she has received so many amazing compliments from fans from the LGBT community and that her role was never questioned about the intention, it was written that the characters truly loved each other and that it was about love.

That concluded our events from Saturday. We ate then went back to where we were staying. We could not stop talking about our day. We had so much fun and got to meet so many awesome people. We had bought some cool items and had fun looking at the vendor booths. It is always interesting to see the cosplayers. So much talent in creating such elaborate costumes, it is really a blast.

Sunday began with doing a little shopping and just walking around. Our first panel of th20160605_155721000_iOSe day was with Jack Gleeson from Game of Thrones. He had darker hair than he wore in Game of Thrones. He talked about being on Game of Thrones and what it was like to audition for such a role and how he thought he wouldn’t get the role.

He also spoke about how Joffrey was a very good example of how people abuse power. Gleeson explained that he is taking some time off to decide what he wants to do. Currently he is working with some friends who have started the “Collapsing Horse Theatre Company” doing a puppet show called Bears in Space. The theatre group emphasizes that they are serious about play.

We were able to take some fun photos Sunday. We found a photo booth that took your picture and added it to a scenes. My son and I got our picture taken to look like we were on the Tardis from Doctor Who.

Our friend got hers taken to look like she was sitting on the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones. Then we went to the Roxy the Rancor and Luggabeast displays to take our picture there.

It was cool to see all the work that went into those displays and be able to take pictures with them!MzJenah Tardis

Then it was time for the panel we had been waiting for, Stan Lee of Marvel. Stan Lee is 93 years old, we couldn’t believe it! His moderator was a fellow Guest of Honor, Todd McFarlane. The panel was a complete blast, and the interaction between Lee and McFarlane was incredible. Lee had so many tales to tell. He talked about starting out at the age of 16 and how his career began there.

He explained that he used characters with the same initial for both their first and last name to make it easy to remember the names. We were so enthralled in his stories. He had fun getting out of his seat a few times and looking at the screens on each side of the stage asking why he was only seeing the back of his head. It was an amazing way to end our convention experience.

My son Mykah and I will be returning to Fan Expo Dallas next year. We had so much fun (and my son is a teenager, so moments like Fan Expo Dallas are a great way to make memories we will never forget). Since the convention is so easily accessible and family friendly, we will definitely consider this as one of our favorite convention experiences. Thanks Dallas Fan Expo for a wonderful experience!

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!Thanks to Kenn for final audio, video embedding , and image staging, and many thanks to you for reading and visiting WormholeRiders News Agency.

Click to visit and follow Jenah Hicks on Twitter!Please feel free to leave a comment here, click an icon below to share this news article, or you can chat by visiting and following me on Twitter, just click on my avatar to the right.

Thank you!
Jenah (@MsJenah)


I am a lifetime fan of all things SciFi/Fantasy. It started by watching Star Trek reruns with my father when I was young. I realized that a little imagination can make life much more interesting. I teach Middle School Social Studies and Reading. I go to SciFi conventions every chance I get. I am an avid supporter of Stand For the Silent, an anti-bullying organization who's goal is to educate students about the harmful effects of bullying. Wife, mother, Nennah (grandma), Teacher, Writer, SciFi nerd are just a few of the words that describe me, and most of the time I am all of them at once. "The secret to immortality is living a life worth remembering" - Anonymous.

One thought on “Fan Expo Dallas: Fantastic Fun!

  1. Hi Jenah!

    Thank you for getting your review recreated regarding Saturday and Sunday at Fan Expo Dallas! I really want to go to this event in 2017!

    Best Regards,

    Kenn of #TeamWHR

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