Welcome Science Fiction Drama Series Admirers!

Here at Wormholeriders News Agency we love science fiction series that investigate the inevitable future of humankind heading out from Earth to explore our solar system, establishing new outposts of life far from our fair planet as a stepping stone to Milky Way galaxy.
In late 2016, science fiction legend writers Marc Scott Zicree and Elaine Zicree who have worked on over one hundred entertainment projects teamed up with revered composer David Raiklen who has over seventy credits to his name to produce Space Command.
Space Command was first envisioned in 2014 when Marc and Elaine established production facilities to produce the series that has come to fantastic fruition in 2019 with the creative series pilot now available for major networks to fully fund!
In the second half of 2018 Team WHR had the honor or interviewing the creators and members of the cast whom were attending San Diego Comic Con. Our interview is included below to coincide with the recent release of the complete pilot episode.
This trio of genius’ began the creation of a new science fiction drama series, bringing together many dozens of talented creators they have worked over the years with to make the pilot of Space Command become reality in 2019.
This new series is set to restore the faith of science fiction aficionados in the bright future of humanity with an exciting story arc that takes place before The Expanse, a superb series that details life in our solar system subsequent to the colonization of Mars and the outer planets.

Writing both individually and as a creative team, Marc and Elaine Zicree with over 100 credits to their name, including series such as Star Trek: The Next Generation, Sliders, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Lazarus Man, Beyond Reality, Babylon 5 and myriad other entertainment projects.
Marc and Elain have also created multiple pilots for NBC, ABC and Showtime. Now science fiction fans are ecstatic that the Zicree’s have recently released the complete Space Command pilot episode which we include below for your enjoyment.

Space Command features an outstanding and accomplished ensemble cast bringing this science fiction epic to life. The cast includes Ethan McDowell (The Gifted, MacGyver, Dynasty), Bryan McClure (Mindhunter, Atlanta), Doug Jones (Star Trek: Discovery, The Shape of Water, Falling Skies), Robert Picardo (Stargate SG-1, Star Trek: Voyager, Stargate Atlantis), Mira Furlan (Babylon 5, Lost), Bill Mumy (Lost in Space, Babylon 5, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), James Hong (The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time, Bladerunner), Faran Tahir (12 Monkeys, Ironman, Elysium), Michael Harney (Project Blue Book, Orange is the New Black), Bruce Boxleitner (Tron Legacy, Babylon 5, Tron), Jelena Mrdja (Review, Tears for Sale), Sara Marafino (Girlboss, The Mentalist, Pretty Little Liars), Nathaniel Freeman (Ranson, Dirt), Dallas Malloy (Raising Hope, Jerry Maguire), Elle Viane Sonet (Star Trek: Phoenix, Midlife), Coley Mustafa Speaks (The Last Ship, Mem in Black 3), Lara Taillon (Starship: Apocalyse and Rising, Cheaper 2 Keep Her) and many more fine creators and actors!

Space Command, a dream of science fiction now manifest, is a dramatic Space Opera series that chronicles the adventures of the United Planet’s Space Command, featuring a dedicated group of scientists, soldiers and adventurers exploring the solar system.

The series unfolds in the near future as Space Command chronicles the adventures and dangers associated with space exploration as humankind prepares for travel in the galaxy!
The saga begins with Captain Jack Kemmer (Ethan McDowell) who rescues ex-archeologist Evelyn “Vonn” O’Dara (Mira Furlan) in the atmosphere above Mars. The heroic rescue is the foundation of a human revolution in outer space that portends a transformation of history in the galaxy as we know it today.
Space Command is described by the series creators as follows:
“Space Command recalls the space operas of the golden age of science fiction that enthralled audiences with an optimistic view of future and a belief in the triumphant spirit of mankind.
Seen through the eyes of three families, the Kemmers, the Odaras and the Sekanders, Space Command is about a new beachhead of humanity featuring a hardy team of settlers who head out into the new frontier as the exploration, settlement and development of Mars, the asteroid belt and the outer moons and planets of our solar system.”

WormholeRiders News Agency sincerely thanks Space Command supporters and actors Gigi Edgley, Doug Jones and Nichelle Nichols for bringing Space Command to our attention during SDCC2018!
Team WHR also sincerely suggests that all science fiction fans enjoy the pilot episode included below and support Space Command United Planet’s Team seeks production on a network for many enjoyable seasons of this epic science fiction drama series! Thank you.
We look forward to sharing more about the exciting events that unfolded Friday, Saturday and Sunday at San Diego Comic Con 2018! We hope that you will enjoy TeamWHR’s continuing coverage of this outstanding science fiction, pop culture science based convention we have enjoyed at this outstanding event during the past eleven years!
As always, thank you for visiting WormholeRiders News Agency and we look forward to seeing you on The Other Side of the Wormhole on Twitter, or visit and like our WormholeRiders News Agency Facebook company page.
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Kenn of #TeamWHR