V Series: “Mother’s Day” Season 2 Episode 10 with Series Secrets, Decker, Hobbes AND WonderCon Images Courtesy of Warner Brothers!

Hello V Series Fans,

The season finale of V Series, “Mother’s Day”, was full of surprising moments. Notably, the deaths of twohttp://abc.go.com/shows/v prominent characters; Ryan Nichols (Morris Chestnut), Tyler Evans (Logan Huffman), and the apparent demise of Diana (Jane Badler).

This episode also introduced a new character, Lars Tremont, portrayed by Marc Singer. Singer is no newcomer to the V story line having played freedom fighter Mike Donovan in the original 1980’s V dual epic mini-series. For those who have not seen the episode, Lars Tremont is the leader of Project Aries. Project Aries is a secret new government organization monitoring the Visitors.


The episode opened with Erica Evans (Elizabeth Mitchell) having a nightmare of Anna Visitor (Morena Baccarin) sitting on the edge of her bed holding a gun. That is something nobody wants to awaken to! Anna told Erica that only she could understand what it felt like to make decisions and hard choices.

In order to survive, she must be devoid of all humanity like herself. This entire season we have watched as Erica struggled with her decisions since taking control of the Fifth Column.

V Series S2x10 - Anna is in Erias nightmare

V Series S2x10 - Ericas nightmare about Anna


The Fifth Column orchestrated a fake kidnapping to lure Anna out into the open where Lisa Visitor (Laura Vandervoort) would render the final blow. However, once again, they have underestimated Anna.

V Series S2x10 - Evil Queen Anna

V Series S2x10 - Lisa is kidnapped

Sensing that she was being set up, Anna played on Lisa’s human emotions. She told her that she did not realize how much the human skin had affected her until Lisa was kidnapped and she was faced with the fear of losing her. Lisa could not go through with it. One can imagine the surprise when Lisa and Anna walked out of the warehouse together. Erica questioned Lisa but she lets Erica know that she is just as merciless as her mother before meeting with the ruthless bitch Anna.

V Series S2x10 - Erica Evans meets with Anna



On board the mother ship, Ryan and Joshua Visitor (Mark Hildreth) free imprisoned Queen Diana (Jane Badler) from her dungeon. Erica called to let Ryan know that Anna was still alive and to get off the ship. Joshua urged Diana to go back to her cell. However, she wanted to assume her rightful place as queen. While Marcus Visitor (Christopher Shyer) apparently stays loyal on the surface, Anna asks Joshua to gather her people. Diana told her people that the human soul was a gift, and that they should embrace emotion and humanity.

V Series S2x10 - Who will Marcus be loyal too
Erica also told them that Anna was ill-equipped to be queen and that she had imprisoned Diana for 15 years. Just when we thought Diana was going to be queen again, she is stabbed with a tail through her heart. Not just any tail, it was Anna’s tail! Diana’s dying words to Anna were “ you have doomed us all.” Evil Anna Visitor (Morena Baccarin) turned to Lisa and said “that is how you kill your mother.”



V Series S2x10 - Diana skewered

V Series S2x10 - Diana may be dead

Lisa Visitor was taken to the same dungeon that housed her grandmother Queen Diana while Anna tried to use Visitor technology to find out who was responsible for Lisa’s abduction while watching the kidnapping video. Anna discovered that Chad Decker (Scott Wolf) was one of the kidnappers so she sent for him. That is the very last we see of Chad Decker for now. I have hope that Anna needs Chad for good publicity. Or maybe she plans to have Chad killed for his suspected treachery?

V Series S2x10 - Chad is summoned

Joshua insisted that Ryan leave the ship before Anna could get to him, but he would not leave without his daughter Amy (Cassidy Mahler). Ryan went to Amy’s room to persuade her to leave the ship. Amy would not leave with her father because of Anna’s lies. Amy saw Anna as her mother, and she would not let Ryan hurt her. As hard as it was to watch, Amy told Ryan that “you left me here to die.” Amy then killed her father with her tail. It was difficult to see this long time character’s demise by his own child.



Erica warned Tyler to get off of the ship, and she told him the truth about the V’s. Tyler told her he would not leave until he heard it from Lisa herself. In the mean time, Anna, Marcus (Christopher Shyer), and Joshua discussed the queen egg Anna kept. She kept the egg in case Lisa was unable to breed with Tyler. Anna watched in amazement as the new egg hatched and her new daughter was born. Anna instructed Joshua “put skin on my new daughter, and make sure she looks exactly like Lisa”.

V Series S2x10 - The birth of Lisa the second

V Series S2x10 - What is to become Lisa the second

As illustrated below, Lisa number two gives a hug to dear “Mom” Anna Visitor as she accepts her breeding mission orders and gets ready for her duty and a tasty snack in the process!

V Series S2x10 - Lisa two gives Anna a hug

V Series S2x10 - Lisa two prepares for duty

Poor Tyler went to have relations with Lisa not knowing it was the substitute provided by Anna. Evil Anna wasted no time and started the breeding process. It appeared that Lisa’s punishment was to be in the same dungeon as her grandmother. Anna made sure Lisa would have a front row seat to Tyler and the other Lisa’s breeding.

V Series S2x10 - Lisa number two seduces Tyler

V Series S2x10 - Lisa two finishes a snack

After they mated, Tyler was killed. This will be very hard for Erica to deal with in the future because her biggest mission was to get Tyler away from Anna. Or will Anna make a new Tyler from the reptile brood conceived by Lisa the Second?


V Series S2x10 - Lisa watches in horror

Erica went to fifth column headquarters and discovered that Kyle Hobbes (Charles Mesure) had disappeared. It is a shame we did not get to see what happened to this character. Erica returned home only to be kidnaped! At this point, I was sure the V’s had her. When they took the hood off of her, there is a man standing in the shadows. Erica said “now just untie one hand and it will be a fair fight.”

V Series S2x10 - Erica Evans discovers Hobbes is missing

This scene is where our new character comes in, Lars Tremont. He untied Erica and introduced himself. Lars explained to Erica that he is the head of a secret government organization, Project Aries. They have been following the V’s for sometime. They know that the V’s are not there on friendly terms. Erica discovered that A.D. Paul Kendrick (Roark Critchlow) and Chris Bolling (Jay Karnes) also worked for Project Aries. For awhile it seemed that A.D. Paul was working with the V’s. However, he was not.

V Series S2x10 - Erica Evan is hooded

V Series S2x10 - Marc Singer as Lars Tremont


V Series S2x10 - Paul Kendrick with Project Aries by Lars Tremont

As the season finale ended, we saw Anna ready to bliss all humanity. Marcus Visitor (Christopher Shyer) warned her that it might kill her, but Anna insisted she try. Blood poured down Anna’s face as she tried to bliss the humans. Amy saw this and said “mother stop! I will do it for you.” In return, Anna said “you are truly a miracle my child” is a scene similar to the miracle child in V The Final Battle.



V Series S2x10 - Any will do the blissing

Project Aries then discovered that something was terribly wrong and Erica went above ground. What she found was something that Anna had been trying to do for two seasons. Erica saw that the humans are blissed and looking up at the mother ship. It was sad to see that Father Jack Landry (Joel Gretsch) was also blissed. This might change his position in fifth column. If there will even be a fifth column since Project Aries is now discovered.

V Series S2x10 - The Earth is blissed

V Series S2x10 - Father Landry is blissed

Mother’s Day was rightfully named. We saw a Erica try to protect her son, Tyler. Anna killed her mother, Diana and Amy protected her step mother, Anna. Mother’s Day reminded us, that as humans, we protect our children. Anna is not a human. Therefore, she killed her mother, and threw her child in the dungeon like the vicious reptile that she is. In the last few seconds we observe the Visitor fleet coming to Earth!

V Series S2x10 - Visitor fleet comes after blissing
Diana’s speech about the human soul, being a gift they should embrace, was never more evident than in this episode. Amy is half human. Therefore, she protected her mother. It will be very interesting to see how Amy juggles her human emotions with her V side. We are left with all humans blissed, and the rightful queen, Diana, apparently killed. Or was she?

If you look at the last few second of the clip included below courtesy of ABC via Hulu, Diana is apparently still breathing! Could the real Queen return in season three? This is a huge cliffhanger. We must wait until next season to find out what will be the fate of humanity.

WonderCon-2011-Marc Singer Elizabeth Mitchel Scott Rosenbaum

WormholeRiders News Agency was covering WonderCon 2011 extensively this past weekend. In attendance during the convention were V Series celebrities Elizabeth Mitchell, Marc Singer, and Warner Brothers executive producer Scott Rosenbaum. They talked about V Series season two hinting to what we might expect in a season three if approved for production.

WonderCon 2011 - V Series - Elizabeth Mitchell

WonderCon 2011 - V Series - Scott Rosenbaum

WonderCon 2011 - V Series - Marc Singer

WonderCon 2011 - V Series - Elizabeth Mitchell

WonderCon 2011 V Series - Marc Singer aka Lars Tremont

As discussed at the panel and in the Warner Brothers Press Room, there may be a new alien race next season which could unite the Visitors and citizens of Earth to fight a new enemy! Or will this new alien race be friends to the Visitors or foes? This will definitely change the dynamic of the show and is an exciting development to contemplate.

WonderCon 2011 V Series - Exec producer Scott Rosenbaum

Hinted at during the panel, V Series may have a new character (if a third season is approved) played by legendary actor Michael Ironside. As all fans recall, Ironside was in the original show as Ham Tyler. Amy will stop this rapid growth development in her mid 20’s. The V Series panel also talked about the mystery of what happened to Kyle Hobbes (Charles Mesure)?

V Series S2x10 - Chad Deckers fate is uncertain
Like Chad Decker (Scott Wolf), Kyle Hobbes was called back to the mother ship in a scene cut from the finale. As discussed at WonderCon 2011 will evil Anna Visitor (Morena Baccarin) kill them both? While Mr. Rosenbaum indicated that more characters “may” not be eliminated, the ultimate fate of Chad Decker and Kyle Hobbes is yet to be determined!

WHR will be back with much more about V Series and WonderCon. For now we leave you for now with a couple more WonderCon images courtesy of Warner Brothers. Thank you WB!

WonderCon 2011 - Elizabeth Mitchell

WonderCon 2011 - Marc Singer

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Dragonbayne (Angela)

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