Greetings Falling Skies and science fiction fans! Some say that science fiction is a thing of the past. Such individuals are just plain wrong. Now while series come and go depending on many factors very we will all soon experience a new type of teamwork in an outstanding new family […]

Greetings Priest Fans! It was teamwork that prevailed at WonderCon to bring you this combined Priest press room, photo opportunity and panel coverage conducted on Saturday April 02, 2011 during the convention. Many thanks go to both OffWorldTravelr (Ginger) and SciFiFanGirl616 (Rigel) for helping to bring you these exclusive video […]

Greetings Doctor Who Fans! We continue o ur WonderCon 2011 coverage with special interviews with actor Mark Sheppard, director Toby Haynes, and writer Neil Gaiman from the of the latest incarnation of the iconic television series “Doctor Who“! On Saturday, April 02, 2011, part of the WHR team was right there with a packed […]


Hello Hanna and Convention Fans! We continue our WonderCon 2011 coverage from Saturday April 02, 2011 with interviews and images featuring the award-winning director Joe Wright whom has created an original suspense thriller called Hanna opening in theaters April 08, 2011. Hanna stars an Academy Award nominee, the lovely and […]

Hello Breaking In Fans, We continue our WonderCon 2011 coverage with a “wonderful” set of interviews with the cast of a new comedic series “Breaking in”. On Sunday April 03, 2011 with courtesy from Sony Pictures Publicity, WHR was fortunate to be able to attend the Breaking In panel and […]

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