2013 - Chase Masterson Anti-Bullying Hero - October 27 ABC Network ABC Publicity Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Alice Cahn Alien Amber Benson Andrea Romano Andrew Lincoln Anti-Bullying Coalition Anti-Bullying Coalition Anti-Defamation League Arrow Ashley Eckstein Avatar the Last Airbender Batman Batman: Arkham City Batman: The Dark Knight Returns part 2 Batman: The Dark Knight Rises BBC America BBC Worldwide Black Sails Brent Spiner Bruce Timm Bullied: What Every Parent Teacher and Kids Needs to Know About Ending the Cycle of Fear Burt Ward Carrie Goldman Cartoon Network Cesar Romero Chase Masterson Chris Hardwick Clark Gregg Dark Horse Comics Dark Horse Comics DC Comics Disney Studios Doctor Who DreamWorks Elizabeth Henstridge FOX Broadcasting Gale Anne Hurd Game of Thrones Gary Miereanu Gates McFadden Gillian Anderson Gotham HBO IGN Theatre Insight Editions Ioan Gruffudd Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Jeph Loeb Jonathan Frakes Joss Whedon Lego Levar Burton Lord of the Rings Marina Sirtis Marvel Comics MingNa NBC Universal NerdHQ New York Comic-Con 2014 Nintendo NOH8 Campaign Once Upon A Time Paley Center for Media R.U.R. Genesis Robert Kirkman Seth Green Sleepy Hollow Spider Man Stan Lee Star Trek Star Trek Deep Space Nine Star Trek The Next Generation Star Wars Steven Yeun Superman Tara Bennett Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Dark Knight Returns The Hobbit The Incredible Hulk The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The One Ring Dot Net The Walking Dead TNT - Turner Network Television Walt Disney Warner Brothers William Shatner X-Files

Fall is in the air, can you smell it? No? Well how about the aroma of an oncoming convention? With fall in the air, it IS the season for New York Comic Con, and it is closer than right around the corner – we have rounded the corner and into […]


Hiya Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne and Sanctuary fans! On Saturday July 23, 2011 during Comic-Con 2011 we had the pleasure of spending some time in the Syfy Press Room with Amanda Tapping and Robin Dunne of Sanctuary! The media event was conducted subsequent to their panel appearance in the Indigo […]

Hello again Hollywood Treasure and Profiles in History fans! I got a chance to be present at the marvelous Profiles in History Hollywood Auction 43 on Saturday December 18, 2010. This news article will basically chronicle the day I spent observing filming for the Syfy show Hollywood Treasure at the […]

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