Welcome back to WHR You Decide! Welcome back to WHR You Decide! This Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 10am PST, we are honored and VERY excited to have with us, the wonderful entertainer, Chase Masterson, where you can call and speak with Chase at 347-838-9722! A talented actress, Chase is […]
Robert Picardo
Hello from the Windy City Stargate fans, I am pleased to announce the commencement of Creation Entertainment’s Stargate SG-1/Atlantis Convention being conducted at the luxurious Westin O’Hare! From August 17th to August 19th 2012, this reporter will be covering the intricacies, breathtaking moments and, of course, the celebrities attending what […]
Hi there Stargate fans! I am Geoi. You say it like ‘Joey’. This was my first ever convention, and as such, my first ever convention report. I wondered how I should approach this article, then, as usual, I just started writing. This is what came out and I hope you […]
Hello once again Stargate Fans! After an 11 hour drive across the Rocky Mountains from Alberta to Vancouver, my car companion and I reached Vancouver and, more importantly, arrived at the very last Creation Entertainment Stargate Convention that was conducted at the Hilton Vancouver Metro Town Hotel. Since this convention […]
Hello convention fans! I have been to many conventions over the past 5 years, probably more than I really want to count. But every year, I go to the Armageddon Expo in Melbourne and have not missed one since their debut in our fine city back in 2007. So of […]
This year was my third year at Comic Con, and it was by far the most fun I have ever had! The previous two years had finally prepared me to take full advantage of all that Comic Con has to offer. Rachelle and I managed to pack in panels, celebrity […]